African American Female Worker in a Yellow Hardhat and Protective Goggles

Committedto Helping You Pave Your Path

Four Easy Stepsto Get You to Your Goals

1. Register for JOBQuest

An icon of a person holding a resume

First, our Career Center team will assist with JobQuest registration in person or online.

2. Sign Up For a Welcome Meeting

An icon of people in a meeting

Next, we will register you for a Welcome Meeting.

3. Tell Us Your Goals

An icon of a chart with an arrow moving up

Then, we will discuss, evaluate, and tailor your needs to your career goals.

4. Jumpstart Your Career

An icon of businesspeople

At last, it is time to ignite your passions and pursue your unique career journey.

Contact Us ToGet Started!

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MassHireAnd You

MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center provides employment and training services at no charge to job seekers and employers in Franklin County, Hampshire County, and the North Quabbin area. We connect employers and job seekers through a statewide network of employment professionals and services designed to meet the unique needs of each customer.

MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center Programs & Services are funded in part by U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) grants. Additional details available upon request.

Let's GetYou Started

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Free Training Opportunities

Our Locations

Greenfield Corporate Center

101 Munson Street, Suite 210
Greenfield, MA 01301
Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fridays 9:30 am. - 4:30 pm

Career Center is open for Walk-in service. Workshops and Career Center Seminars are offered remotely and in-person.  Please call ahead to schedule in-person workshop/seminar participation.

Forbes Library Northampton

20 West Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Mondays 10:00am – 1:00pm
Workshops on Wednesdays

Job Seeker Services on the Mezzanine Mondays: from 10:00am – 1:00pm Wednesdays: Job Readiness Workshops. Registration for workshops is required. Please call 413-774-4361 or 800-457-2603 to register.

North Quabbin Chamber of Commerce

80 Freedom Street
Athol MA
Fridays 9:30 am. - 4pm

Job Seeker Services and Veterans Services available.

PHONE: (413) 774-4361   1-800-457-2603 (toll free)

FAX: (413) 774-2954