Job Search Resources

MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center offers free job search resources. We offer many more services than assistance with filing claims for unemployment benefits. We’re here to help you follow your interests and find a career or a career pathway that fits for you. We offer employment and training resources in the Franklin, Hampshire, and North Quabbin areas. MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center operates the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA) Program for Dislocated Workers and economically eligible Adults.   We also offer specialized services for young people, mature workers, veterans, people with disabilities, click here for more information.

Below you’ll find a wide range of websites that frequently post jobs in our region.

Hot Jobs List

Every day Franklin Hampshire Career Center updates our Hot Jobs Lists with recently-posted local job openings from Job Quest.

You can visit our office to get a paper copy or download these lists as PDF documents here:

These lists are updated every morning at 8:30am. Click the Job Order # to go to Mass JobQuest for more details on that job.

Connect with a Career Coach

Need help with your job search? Do you have training questions or don’t know what to do next? Maybe you just need to speak to someone. Meet with a MassHire Career Coach (virtually!). Please note these are 10-15 minute meetings to answer general questions and direct you to Career Center, and other, resources.

Sign up on MassHire JobQuest by clicking here.

Click here for instructions to help you sign up.

Massachusetts JobQuest

Job Quest is the Massachusetts statewide website for finding job openings in our region and throughout Massachusetts. Anytime an employer shares a job posting with us, it’s added to this database.


Are you interested in searching and applying for jobs with the State of Massachusetts?  MassCareers lists all job opportunities with the State of Massachusetts, allows you to create a user profile, request notification of job postings that meet your interests and skill sets, and save your resume for future searches.

Click here to visit the MassCareers website to view current listing of employment opportunities.

When applying for jobs on MassCareers, job seekers can now indicate which Career Center assisted them with their job search. This data will help us determine which job categories are most successful at the MassHire Career Centers.

COVID-19 Health Care Jobs

There is an urgent need to hire Nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants, Patient Care Technicians, OTs, PTs, and many roles across our skilled nursing, assisted living and long-term care facilities statewide to staff COVID-19 temporary care sites across the Commonwealth.

If you are an unemployed healthcare worker, please click HERE to learn more.

National Job Search Sites

The sites below are national job search sites that also include local job listings. You can search locally by entering the city or zip code for the area in which you’d like to find a job:

Other Job Search Sites

These are a few more local and national job search websites for specific job types that can help you find employment in our area.

Newspapers with Employment Classifieds

Newspapers are still a great way to find employment opportunities. Below are local and regional newspapers that employers use to post jobs as well as some options in the larger New England area that can help you find potential employment opportunities: