If you do not have a high school diploma, completing a High School Equivalency Exam may help you improve your job prospects. Our partner, The Literacy Project, provides free GED and HiSET prep classes to anyone 16 and older who is not enrolled in public school.
Classes at The Literacy Project run from September-June, and new students start each month. Classes are small and comfortable, with plenty of individual help from teachers and tutors. Each student works at their own pace until they reach their goals. Classes meet online or in person, and computer scholarships are available.
How to enroll with The Literacy Project:
If you are registered at MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center, please contact Janet Gary at 413-341-4337, or by email janet@literacyproject.org
If you are not registered at the MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center, visit The Literacy Project online or call the classroom closest to you:
- Greenfield – 413-774-3935
- Amherst – 413-259-1663
- Northampton – 413-584-6755
- Orange – 978-544-8971
- Ware – 413-967-9902
Click here to visit The Literacy Project website.